Videos » How could we control superintelligent AI?

How could we control superintelligent AI?

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The advent of superintelligence would be transformative. Superintelligence or ASI is an AI that is many times more intelligent than humans. It could arise quickly in a so-called “hard takeoff” scenario by allowing AI to engage in recursive self-improvement. Basically, allowing an AI to start improving itself would result in dramatically faster breakthroughs on the way to a technological singularity. Superintelligence could lead to powerful and beneficial technologies, curing any biological disease, halting climate change, etc. On the other hand, it could also be very hard to control and may make decisions on its own that are detrimental to humans. In the worst case, it might wipe out the human race. That's why there is a lot of research on AI alignment or AI safety. The goal is to make sure an ASI’s actions are aligned with human values and morality. Current actions include government regulation and sponsorship, industry grants, and of course academic research. Everyone can help out by raising awareness of the issue and the nuances of how economic and military pressures could lead to an uncontrollable intelligence explosion. This video is a Christmas special in the tradition of Doctor Who. At least, that's my excuse for why it's so long. #ai #asi #superintelligence The AI Revolution: The Road to Superintelligence The AI Revolution: Our Immortality or Extinction I did not really understand the scope of ASI even after browsing this sub for months until tonight OpenAI Demos a Control Method for Superintelligent AI Weak-to-Strong Generalization: Eliciting Strong Capabilities With Weak Supervision Weak-to-strong generalization AI will give birth to an alien civilization | Max Tegmark and Lex Fridman The dawn of the singularity, a visual timeline of Ray Kurzweil’s predictions 0:00 Intro 0:22 Contents 0:28 Part 1: What is superintelligence? 0:52 Visualizing AGI that can replace humans 1:41 Properties of AI vs human brains 2:27 ASI or superintelligence 2:41 Recursively self-improving AI 3:25 Intelligence explosion 3:50 Soft takeoff to ASI (long time period) 4:17 Hard takeoff to ASI (very rapid) 5:06 Dangerous to give AGI access it itself 5:28 Human-level intelligence is not special 5:51 Example: AlphaGo training 6:22 We are the minimum viable intelligence 6:54 Part 2: Death or immortality 7:09 Tangent: Doctor Who Christmas special 7:42 Would a superintelligence do what we wanted? 8:01 Anxiety and/or optimism 8:20 Optimism: What would ASI be capable of? 9:15 Anxiety: We have doubts: fragility of goals 9:57 Competition and other types of peril 10:40 ASI would not rely on humans to survive 10:51 Definitions: AI alignment and AI safety 11:26 Be careful what you wish for 12:33 Emergent properties from superintelligence 13:26 Unstable civilization 14:11 How ASI can prevent future ASIs 14:38 Part 3: What we can do 15:01 AI safety research is very far behind 15:22 Academic research in AI safety 15:57 Governments investing in AI safety 16:27 US executive order on AI safety 17:18 Industry grants for startups 17:32 Everyone can increase awareness 17:59 Cannot keep an AI in a box 19:02 Paper: weak to strong generalization 19:44 Result: strong model infers what we want 20:30 Personal perspective at the moment 20:49 Conclusion 21:27 Solving AI alignment 22:25 Outro
Posted Jan 21
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