Videos » MEET DEVIN AI First AGI | First AI Software Engineer

MEET DEVIN AI First AGI | First AI Software Engineer

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Meet the worlds first AI software engineer \ud83d\udc47 \ud83d\udca1Spoiler alert: Devin will be an amazing tool used by developers to enhance their workflows, NOT replace them. Here is a bit about Devin.... Meet Devin, the world’s first fully autonomous AI software engineer. ‍ Devin is a tireless, skilled teammate, equally ready to build alongside you or independently complete tasks for you to review. With Devin, engineers can focus on more interesting problems and engineering teams can strive for more ambitious goals. Devin’s Capabilities With advances in long-term reasoning and planning, Devin can plan and execute complex engineering tasks requiring thousands of decisions. Devin can recall relevant context at every step, learn over time, and fix mistakes. Devin is equipped with common developer tools including the shell, code editor, and browser within a sandboxed compute environment—everything a human would need to do their work. Finally, Devin has the ability to actively collaborate with the user. Devin reports on its progress in real time, accepts feedback, and works together with you through design choices as needed. Devin represents a significant leap forward in the realm of AI, embodying the concept of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) within the coding and software development industry. AGI refers to a machine's ability to understand, learn, and apply knowledge across a wide range of tasks to the same extent that a human can. This contrasts with more specialized AI that excels in specific tasks but lacks versatility. Devin is not just a tool; it is a revolution, signaling a new era where AI collaborates with humans to push the boundaries of what's possible in technology and development. TIMESTAMPS 0:00 intro 1:04 What is Devin Ai? 1:56 What is Devin Ai capable of? 3:03 Is Devin Ai going to take our job? 3:35 Other Ai tools we thought would take jobs 4:45 Devin Ai is a tool we can utilize 5:07 What is Devin Ai coding ability currently? #DevinAi #tiffintech
Posted Mar 16
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